Borage cultivation report.

Borage ボリジharbs

The star-shaped, Madonna blue flowers are soothing and happy…

Borage ボリジ

Misha: This time we’ll be growing a type of herb called borage.

Hachibee: It’s a strange-shaped flower, sort of like a blue star or a starfish.

Misha: This blue color is called Madonna blue, and in the past, artists used this flower to paint the blue robe of the Virgin Mary.

Hachibee: That’s a divine color. That’s how beautiful the blue is.

Misha: The color is beautiful, but borage also has the effect of lifting your spirits as an herb. When you feel down or tired, it brightens your mood and gives you courage. I wonder how borage grows.

Hachibee: Let’s get started!

Borage “almost weekly” cultivation report

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: So these are borage seeds. They’re pretty big. They’re black and hard.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: Borage is planted in the fall. The seeds fall to the ground from the seed clusters, so you don’t really need to bury them in the soil.

Borage ボリジ

Hachibee: They sprouted quickly! And the sprouts are thick and look quite healthy.

Borage ボリジ

Hachibee: Hmm! It’s grown so much!

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: Borage has great growth power. It’s perfectly fine even if you start planting it outdoors.

Borage ボリジ

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: They’re growing up so well.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Oh? This leaf is a little different in shape.

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: Yes, this leaf with a unique spongy texture is a borage leaf.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: It’s growing, it’s growing!

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: As it starts to grow, the leaves are getting a nice darker color.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: It’s starting to get wrinkly and fluffy.

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: This is the true essence of borage.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Oh, it’s gradually starting to fill up the ground.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: The leaves have grown big. Borage leaves are pretty big.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: You’ve gotten pretty wild looking all of a sudden.

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: The leaves and stems have gotten so much thicker and more reliable.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: It seems that the newer the leaves are, the more clearly the sponge-like pattern becomes.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Even though it’s already December, leaves are still coming out!

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: Maybe it’s trying to absorb as much light as possible to gather strength before winter comes.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: I guess the growth rate has slowed down now that we’re in December.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: His growth stopped completely!

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: The borage is finally getting ready for winter.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: Merry Christmas.

自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Borage has already gone into hibernation and can’t hear us say Merry Christmas anymore.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: It stuck to the ground to keep out the cold wind.

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: It’s what we call a rosette. It spreads all over the ground and gets plenty of sunlight.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Good luck!

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Wow, that looks cold!

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: It’s the coldest time of the year right now. But even in this extremely cold season, borage’s leaves are still green. It’s very cold-resistant.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: It looks like it’s stuck even more tightly to the ground.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: I’m even impressed by the way it can withstand the bitter cold.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: The new bud in the middle of the plant has stopped growing, just as it was in December, and it’s as if time has stopped.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Even though it snowed and there’s ice on the leaves, the leaves are still bright green!

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Oh! New leaves are starting to appear again!

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: Even if the outer leaves that survived the winter die, new leaves continue the life. I feel the mystery of life.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: It looks like he’s raising his arms in the air.

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: The borage has been saving its strength all winter.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: They’re coming out!

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: They look like baby’s hands, so cute!

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: What a beautiful young leaf color.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: With every rain, more leaves appear.

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: All the new leaves start growing upwards at the same time.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: It’s getting quite warm now, so the borage seems to be doing full of life.

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: Yes, and it’s finally bud season.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Buds have appeared!

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: These are unique buds.

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: It feels like a bunch of buds are massed together and pushed upwards all at once.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: What?! The flowers have already bloomed! So fast! And they are beautiful blue, star-shaped flowers!

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: Borage flowers are shy, so for some reason they all bloom with their heads down. It’s so adorable.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: The flowers bloom one after another, popping, just like fireworks.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: When the flowers drop like a parachute, the buds remain. Borage has a strange shape, with its hairy stems.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Although it’s hard to see very well, it looks like it’s forming properly deep inside the flower.

Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Oh, it’s done, it’s done! But it starts out as green grains.

Borage ボリジ
Borage ボリジ
Borage ボリジ
自給自足的家庭農園 ハチベエ

Hachibee: Once the seeds turn black, they will drop to the ground just like the flowers.

自給自足的家庭農園 ミーシャ

Misha: The reason why the flowers and seeds were facing down was so that they could fall. Borage is quite an extraordinary plant, both in its strength to endure the winter and in its ingenious idea of ​​dropping seeds from the flowers. I have never had such a fun flower to observe.

~Borage cultivation points~

A winter-hardy plant that is planted in autumn and blooms around May.
Its robust growth and reproductive ability, with large numbers of seeds dropping from its flowers, are on par with those of wild plants.
Even in the coldest of winters, the leaves grow lush and large.
There is something more encouraging than the benefits of herbs.
Borage is a low-care plant and is recommended for those new to winter-hardy plants.

Cultivation difficulty:★☆☆☆☆